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What is C language? Guide for Beginners | TechMaster

What is C Language? Guide for Beginners | TechMaster

What is C language? Guide for Beginners

C is a basic programming language. It quickly became one of the world's most popular programming languages. If you learn C language well then you will know how to write a program? How to execute? Then after that, you can learn any programming language easily. It is necessary to learn "C" before learning C++, Java, Python, C#, etc. So if you are interested in coding and if you are beginners then you have to know what is C language? That's why today we will introduce the c language in this blog.

What is C language & History of C language?

           'C' programming language designed by Dennis Ritchie. It was developed at AT & T's(American Telephone & Telegraph) Bell laboratories of the USA in 1972.C is the middle-level programming language. Like C++, Java, etc. is developed from 'C'. These languages are majorly used in various technologies. Thus, 'C' forms a basis for many other languages so that's why it is known as the mother of all programming languages. 

           'C' language was invented mainly to write an operating system called Unix. The UNIX OS was written in C.It is a general-purpose computer programming language.C language mostly used for developing system applications and desktop applications.C is a compiled language, there are so many compilers available for executing 'program written in C' such as clang compiler, Turbo C, etc are available online. 

            A compiler is a specialized tool that compiles a program and converts it into a machine-readable object file. After the compilation process, the linker will combine various object files and creates a single executable file to run the program. It is widely used for language interpreters, assemblers, Design language compiler, Utilities, etc. It contains 32 keywords various data types and functions.


Features Of C programming Language: 

We can distinguish every programming language from its features as it makes the language special and unique. Some most important features of 'C' are:

  • Simple
  • Fast And Efficient
  • Easy to Extend 
  • Portable
  • Modularity/Structured language
  • Case Sensitive
  • Middle-Level Language
  • Compiler Based
  • General-Purpose Language
  • Powerful
  • Platform dependent
  • Function and Rich Libraries 



It is a very simple, flexible, and easy language. The C program can be written in simple English language so that it is very easy to learn for the programmer.


Fast And Efficient: 

The programs written in C are efficient and fast. This is due to its data type and the variety of powerful operators.


Easy To Extend: 

In C, It is possible to add new features at any time by the programmer.



It is a highly portable language. This means that a program once written in one platform can be run on another platform with little or no modification.



It allows the program to be splintered (broken) into smaller units and run individually with the help of functions. In simple language, modular programming refers to the software design technology, these increases the number of fragments of the same code. 


Case Sensitive: 

C language is case sensitive programming language.That it can distinguish character upper case or lower case.


Middle-Level Language: 

It is an important feature of the C language. It supports both low-level language and high-level language so that is why it is called a middle-level programming language.


Compiler Based: 

A compiler is a computer program.C is a compiler-based programming language that no C program can execute without compiling. First, you need a compiler to compile your program and then execute it.


General-Purpose Language: 

It is used for various applications.



It has a variety of data types, functions, control statements, decision-making statements, etc. So it's a powerful programming language.


Platform dependent: 

It is platform dependent programming language. C programs cannot run another platform.


Function and Rich Libraries: 

The C program is a collection of functions supported by the C library and that makes the development fast. We will create our functions and add them to the C library.


We hope you understand what C language is. And have clear about features of C language. If you still have any questions regarding C language then, ask your questions in the comment box.


Author- Grace

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