5 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Blog | TechMaster

Starting a Blog

            When you choose to blogging as a career, then every smallest thing is necessary for you. You need to learn and observe so many things before starting a blog. When you learn all things about blogging, then not anything stops you from getting Adsense approval.

            To get your blog viral, or get more traffic on your blog post, you need to understand some blogging tips which is very important as per many of blogger and also from my personal experience.

Stick With One Topic

            In the initial phase, I wanted to write every topic. I thought to put every information that I know, in my blog. But I could not understand that if I do not focus on any one topic, then nothing will come in the results. I wanted to do everything, so I could not do anything, and soon my focus was loose.

            Gradually I came to understand that if I want to be successful, then first I have to specialize in one subject. Later, when my blog becomes an identity of its own, after that I can try on other topics as well, but in the beginning, not at all. So I chose a small topic and started writing informational content for it. And as soon as I did, my blog results started getting better.

( Also read: How to Start Blogging for Free and Earn Money>> )

Invest a Bit Amount in Blogging

            I know that when you are in the early stages of your career, spending money is often not possible. I also made this mistake. On the Internet, we read many articles such as "How I made $ 599 in the first month from blogging", which we think we can earn millions without investing in blogging but friends, it is wrong if you are thinking even further. You will have to invest in some places such as for Domain Registration, to Buy Theme, for Hosting, etc.

You should have a nice laptop too.

Don’t Forget About SEO

            No matter how attractive your blog is, no matter how valuable your content is, if it is not able to reach the readers, then it is of no use. So guys, first install the Yoast SEO Plugin (If you are using WordPress). It will take just a few seconds to install this plugin and it will do all your SEO work. Once the plugin is installed, then look at the Tutorials on the net and understand how SEO works and how you can create High-Quality backlinks for your blog. This step will benefit you in the Long Term.

(Know: How to Write an SEO Friendly Blog>>)

Leverage the Power of Social Media

            If you are a blogger then your social media profiles are a very big part of your online identity. Any boring or stupid action can affect your career.

            So when I came to know the importance of social media, I started doing social media for my blog. I started creating social media posts and it got a great response from people. Now Pinterest and Instagram are my favorite sites.

Keep Patience

            From being your blog index to Ranks, everything takes time. You will not get any benefit by checking your Analytics every hour.

            Yes, there are many top people in the market, but they are at the top because they continued to work on their blog. These people were able to succeed because of day and night work, thousands of Researches, and excellent marketing strategies.

( Also Know: Top 5 ways to Increase Blog Traffic in 2020 >> )

            Yes, some people became successful overnight, but that is just a coincidence. If you want to succeed, then keep working, but also be patient. Only then you will be able to succeed.

            So, friends, Blogging is a journey that will not end in one night. You will also make mistakes many times, but if you continue to work hard with your mistakes, then success will not be so far.