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Dot Net Interview Questions for Fresher to Experience - TechMaster

Dot Net Interview Questions for Fresher to Experience- TechMaster

Dot Net Interview Questions for Fresher to Experience- Techmaster

Techmaster is the top blogging site in India. We provide a various blog on different IT topics. In this blog we give you 50 different questions for interview on dot net. We arranged all interview questions in ascending order from beginner level to advance level.
        Many reputed IT companies like Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTS), Wipro, and TCS etc. follow the same question strategy or pattern in interview. If you are going to give an interview as fresher or as beginner then must prepare of the following question list.
          We also recommend you to please read our old Dot Net related blog.
                                    These questions are mostly relate to the CTS

CTS Interview Questions For Beginner in Dot Net-

  • What is .NET framework?
  • What are different components of .NET?
  • What do you know about CTS?
  • What is CLR?
  • Explain CLS?
  • What do you know about JIT?
  • Why do we use Responce.Output.Write()?
  • Tell me the difference of Response.Redirect and Server.Transfer?
  • Difference between managed and unmanaged code?
  • Difference between Classes and objects?
  • What do you know about boxing and unboxing?
  • Differentiate between constants and read-only variables?
  • What is BCL?
  • What are the different versions of .NET framework?
  • What is the difference between namespace and assembly?
  • What is LINQ?
  • What is MSIL?
  •  From which base class all web forms are inherited?

            Hope you read all the questions of beginner level. If you are working in dot net field and now you want to change your company for any reason. Then that time interviewer not asks the same the question. Interviewer increases the level of question. The main purpose of interviewer to know actually what work done by you, in previous company.
                        And from that type of questions interviewer detect skills in you, and then they decide either you select or not.

CTS Dot Net Interview Questions For Intermediate

  • Explains different parts of assembly?
  • How do you prevent a class from being inherited?
  • What are the different types of constructors in C#?
  • What are the different types of assemblies?
  • What are MDI and SDI?
  • What are differences between custom and user control?
  • What is a garbage collector?
  • What is caching?
  • Explain MVC?
  • What is CAS?
  •  Explain Localization and Globalization?
  • What is application domain?
  • What is delegate in .NET?
  • Difference between Abstract class and interface in .NET?
  • Differentiate between stack and heap?
  • What are the different validators in ASP.NET?

After reading and understanding beginner level and intermediate level questions, here we now discuss about experienced level interview questions for dot net. If you working in same filed in any other company from many time and now you looking for switch in any other company.

Then here is some experienced level interview questions for you. These questions are asked for many times in CTS interviews. So these are help to get crack your CTS experienced level interview.

CTS Interview Questions For Experienced in Dot Net

  •       What are EXE and DLL?
  •  Differentiate between function and stored procedure?
  •   List the events in the page life cycle. (For answer read our What is ASP.NET Page Life Cycle? blog)
  •   What is the code to send an email from an ASP.NET application?
  •   What are the event handlers that we have for Global.sax file?
  •  Explain role-based security?
  • What is cross-page posting?
  •  How can we apply themes to an ASP.NET application?
  •  Explain passport authentication?
  •  What are ASP.NET security controls?
  •  List all the templates of the repeater control?
  • t is the appSettings section in the web.config file?
  •   What is MIME?
  •   What is HTTP handler?
  •   What are the different types of cookies in ASP.NET?
  •  Differentiate between ExecuteScalar and ExecuteNonQuery?

Here we shared some of our experience. These questions definitely help you to crack your interview and achieve your dream job. We know many of you want to read questions answers too please drop a comment below; we are trying to answer them by our best.
               Or anyone of you knows the answer of questions. Then please share your answer. It will definitely help to others.

Author - Grace

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